Next Steps Pediatric Therapy

Providing the tools and space to thrive

Our aim is to equip you, the caregiver, with the necessary tools to foster your child's success. In conventional outpatient settings, a patient's progress hinges largely on the therapist's efforts. At Next Steps, however, we believe progress is driven by the active involvement of caregivers, guided by therapists.

Caregivers are the primary catalysts for their child's advancement, and we encourage them to believe in their child's capabilities.

We are a neurodiversity affirming clinic. Our goal is to give our patients the space to thrive as themselves. We simultaneously coach our families on how to help their child access their community but also how to help their community make space for their child. Our emphasis lies in developing functional skills rather than solely age-appropriate ones, and we proactively discharge our patients. Our aim is for patients and their families to invest their time in activities they love within their communities, rather than prolonged therapy sessions.

Next Steps Pediatric Therapy has helped my son thrive!

He has gone from delayed walking/talking and sensitivities to sounds, to now running the bases and cheering his team on loudly during baseball games. We could not have gotten to this point without Next Steps and their extremely knowledgeable therapists. So thankful for them everyday!

-Next Steps Parent